Computer Science COMP 250
Introduction to Computer Science

Winter 2016, Schedule: TTh 13:05-14:25; STBIO S1/4

FINAL EXAM : APRIL 28th 2016, 14:00-17:00
CRÉPEAU's EXTRA OFFICE HOURS: Monday 25th 9:30-12:30, Tuesday 26th 9:30-15:30.

Description: (3 credits; 3 hours) An introduction to the design of computer algorithms, including basic data structures, analysis of algorithms, and establishing correctness of programs. Overview of topics in computer science.

Prerequisite: Familiarity with a high level programming language and CEGEP level mathematics. Computer Science Major and Honours students are advised to take MATH 240 simultaneously with COMP 250 or with COMP 251. Although it not a prerequisite either, COMP 202 will provide you a solid background for programming in Java.