

There are several courses offered at McGill and at Université de Montréal in the area of cryptography and quantum information.

Courses offrered at McGill

COMP 547: Cryptography and Data Security

This course presents an in-depth study of modern cryptography and data security. We investigate four important subjects of cryptography: data encryption, message authentication, user identification and key distribution. The basic information theoretic and computational security of classical and modern cryptographic systems are analysed. The course is self-contained and all necessary mathematical background will be explicitely covered.

COMP 598: Quantum computation

This course will present an introduction to quantum computation. After introducing the quantum computing model, we will cover the basic quantum algorithms including Grover's search algorithm and Shor's RSA-busting factoring algorithm. Other topics will include quantum complexity theory and, time-permitting, the basics of topological quantum computation.

The course will be mathematical, but quite elementary. Linear algebra and general mathematical maturity will be essential. Familiarity with quantum mechanics is not required. The material will be covered through a combination of Online student presentations.

COMP 649: Quantum Cryptography

Review of the basic notions of cryptography and quantum information theory. Quantum key distribution and its proof of security. Quantum encryption, error-correcting codes and authentication. Quantum bit commitment, zero-knowledge and oblivious transfer. Multiparty quantum computations. Prerequisite: COMP 547 and permission of the instructor.

COMP 761 Quantum Information Theory

This course will present the quantum analog of Shannon's information theory. This area has seen an explosion of interest and a correspondingly rapid technical advance over the past ten years, largely in response to the development of quantum-mechanically based cryptographic protocols and Shor's famous algorithm for factoring integers. The unavoidable presence of noise in any quantum-mechanical information processing device means that error-correction techniques will play a crucial role in any practical application of quantum cryptography or computing. This course will focus on asymptotic protocols for compression, communication, error correction and state distillation, identifying the absolute limits placed on those tasks by quantum mechanics.

Familiarity with quantum mechanics is recommended. The course content is very mathematical, but elementary. Students should be comfortable with basic probability theory, linear algebra and real analysis. The material will be covered through a combination of lectures and student presentations.

Courses offrered at UdeM

IFT6180 Cryptologie: théorie et applications

Historique et définitions. Cryptographie et cryptanalyse. Théorie de l'information. Cryptographie conventionnelle, à clefs publiques, probabiliste et quantique. Génération pseudo et quasi aléatoire. Applications diverses.

IFT6195 Sujets en informatique quantique


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