Encrypting and decrypting messages with the simulator
here is how to do it...
  1. Go to the link ENIGMA Simulator

  2. The virtual ENIGMA machine will appear.

  3. Before using of the machine, several of its parameters must be defined.

    1. Select the button Define Parameters
    2. A sub-menu will be activated. The wheel position and the
      initial permutation of the alphabet can be defined from this menu.
    3. Once the parameters are inputed, press Validate

  4. You then have two possibilities :

    1. Type directly the message with the keyboard
    2. Select the button Code a Text

  5. The original text and its encrypted version are visible at the bottom.

Define Parameters

  1. How to choose the initial permutation :
    You can choose one of the predefined permutations or define your own with the help of the button Customize.
    But you must respect these two rules :
    1. Every letter can appear only once.
    2. Take note of your permutation in order to be able to decrypt your message later.

  2. How to specify the wheels position :
    You must specify the beginning position of each of the middle wheels by indicating, in the appropriate box, the letter of the original position.

Encrypting/Decrypting of the text

  1. Just type your text :
    Each time you input a letter, you can observe the circuit executed by the machine and the resulting character that will light up on the keyboard. (The connections are fake (and somewhat random) however.)

  2. Code a text :
    A sub-menu will appear. You can type or paste a text. Once the text is inputed, just click on the button Translate.
    The resulting text and the original text will appear in two text boxes at the bottom of the virtual machine. Click Done once you have terminated.
    Note that when you encrypt text this way, the circuit executed by the machine will not be showed.

    HAVE FUN!!!

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