Maple 7 UNIX version Read Me This file describes the following topics: Command Line Maple MATLAB Link Notes For installation instructions, licensing information, and system requirements, refer to the Install.htm file at the top level of the Maple 7 CD. Command Line Maple ------------------ Command Line Maple provides you with full access to the Maple library and kernel, but it uses a character-based interface. Command Line Maple uses slightly less memory. On any UNIX or Linux platform, Command Line Maple can be accessed by modifying your path command to contain your Maple 7 directory (for example, /usr/local/maple/bin), and then executing maple or by executing the full path (for example, /usr/local/maple/bin/maple). More information about Command Line Maple is available in the text file "cmdline.txt". If you have any problems starting Command Line Maple, run the worksheet version of Maple (xmaple) and read the information in the Maple 7 Startup dialog box to find out what the problem is. MATLAB Link ----------- For information on how to link Maple to MATLAB, refer to the ?Matlab,setup help page. Notes ----- Tips for Efficient Use on Machines with Limited Memory * Avoid turning on the "use scalable fonts" option. This option is turned off by default, but it can be turned on with the "Maple7*AllowFontScaling" resource in MAPLE/X11_defaults/Maple7. When the option is off, Maple performs faster, but does not allow zooming on worksheets. See the note about scalable fonts under "General Issues." General Issues * If the plot command on the context-sensitive menu is used to create a smartplot (see ?smartplot) on a display with fewer than 16 colors, an error message appears. Functions can still be constructed by using the plot and plot3d commands. See ?plot or ?plot3d for a list of the command syntax and options. * Under some window managers, the palettes may disappear under the main application window. If this occurs, set "Palettes Stick To Glass=true" in the "[Palettes]" section of the .xmaple7rc file in the user's home directory. * In dialog boxes for some window managers, the file list menu disappears when you move the mouse onto the list. To correct the problem, set the X11 resource "Maple7.*.twmHandlingOn:" to "True" in your X11 defaults file. * The cursor might not display properly when you switch the focus to the Maple GUI window by clicking in window manager programs that pass the click event on to the application program. Mwm users can avoid this by setting the "Mwm*passSelectButton" resource option to "False". * When you open more than one worksheet, the "Page Up" and "Page Down" keys sometimes still control the worksheet that was previously in focus. Click in the new worksheet window to ensure that the focus has been properly transferred. * An "illegal mnemonic" message indicates a server-dependent problem. It does not affect your work in Maple. For example, X Toolkit Warning: Name: menuitem Class: XmToggleButtonGadget Illegal mnemonic character; Could not convert X KEYSYM to a keycode * Modeless dialog boxes are not decorated by some window managers, thus they cannot be moved without using the window manager's main menu. Some window managers have a resource setting like "decorateTransients" that can be used to provide decorations on these dialog boxes. * Plots and three-dimensional animations are heavy users of X server pixmap resources. Closing worksheets with many plots can reduce the server's memory load. * When "scalable fonts" is turned off, you may notice that text does not increase in size when worksheets are magnified above 200%. With scalable fonts on, the fonts load more slowly and look poor, but magnification to 300% and 400% is possible. SGI-Specific Issues Closing the Styles dialog box by clicking Done may crash the application if you are using the twm window manager. HP-Specific Issues * If you see these messages on startup, /usr/lib/ Unresolved symbol: $global$ (data) from /usr/lib/libCsup.1 /usr/lib/ Unresolved symbol: __dld_list (data) from /usr/lib/libCsup.1 /usr/lib/ Unresolved module for symbol: __shlinit (code) from /usr/lib/libCsup.1 then you have to install a patch from Hewlett-Packard to update your runtime libraries to version A.01.21. The patch is PHSS_17872. For more information, see * Menu bar colors are sometimes not set properly for the window manager in use. Linux-Specific Issues * On some versions of Linux, xmaple crashes if the display is set by using the command "xmaple -display :0.0". If this occurs, use the IP number instead of the hostname; for example, "xmaple -display :0.0". * The maple.system.type script attempts to determine which distribution of Linux you are using--Red Hat or SuSE. If it does not detect a file called /etc/SuSE-release, it will default to Red Hat. If you are experiencing problems, you may have to edit this script. For further assistance, please contact your Maple Technical Support Representative. Type "?support,technical" at the Maple prompt for contact information.