CS547A 2003 Homework set #3


Due Monday October, 27  2003 in class at 13:30 SHARP



Exercises (from Stinson’s book) • 4 questions •



Information theory: Ex 2.2, 2.5, 2.13, 2.15 (formerly 2.1, 2.4, 2.10, 2.12)





Exercises (home-made) • 4 questions •


Remember the visual One-Time-Pad I showed you at the start of the course.


A) Explain why superposition of K and C produces a readable image M’ of the plaintext M, although in reality M should be obtained by C XOR K.


B) Explain the importance of redundancy in the plaintext, and what would happen if the plaintext contained none.

Consider the variation on the Blum-Blum and Shub generator (mod N=pq) where we output L blocks of all the bits computed in each iteration :



FOR i:=1 TO L DO si := (si-1)2 mod N

            RETURN s1 || s2 || ... || sL


C) Show how to distinguish the output of BBS* from a truly random source, even without knowing N nor its length |N|.


D) Write a Maple™ program to implement your distinguisher and run it on the examples below. Find which of W0 and W1 is generated by BBS*.




